Quote The Black Cat="The Black Cat"
Local Gov, Private Enterprise, European Grants etc. etc. Thought you knew about all that kind of stuff mate.'"
I do know all about it, but in most cities I have visited where European money is involved the good people get to use it for their own advantage, Salford is the only council that has to pay money back to NWDA if they make any cash or charge peppercorn rents to community groups in property renovated using European cash, who writes these contracts, Salford also has 3 councillors on the Board of the Lowry, it is supposed to be for the people of Salford not Cheshire.
I will try and chase up with a couple of councillors about this matter.
really does p155 me off sometimes when I see Liverpool getting so much money then handing the building back to the communities and then the community group making money by charging the council rent to use it.