Quote Dropkick Murphy="Dropkick Murphy"Exactly. It wouldn't be my choice of charity personally (nothing against them per se before anyone starts, but I prefer to see the club do tie ins with local charities like St. Rocco's), but irrespective of that it just smacks of an excuse to release a third kit, charging the same price as the others, but slap a token charity donation in there and watch the plaudits and sales roll in. Cynical marketing in my opinion.
If 100% of the profit was going to the charity, or the shirt was being sold at a significantly lower price (£20 maybe) then I wouldn't buy one myself but I would respect the idea in principle. As it is I don't agree with it.'"
Gentlemen, you could not be more wrong. And I type this with a smile.
The Shirts cost more than you think, I know this as I've just had the 1 MERCIAN RL kit produced, and bespoke replicas (Name and Number) ... (available at a later date). They are being sold at £41 with a £5 donation being made to the Royal British Legion for each sale. We (the Battalion) are making ... ZIP ... nil ... nada ... profit on each shirt. I know that the Warrington Shirts are a better quality than ours ... as I've got one of the new Warrington ones here with me now
If you would rather give £45 straight to the charity then I applaud you ... however, In all probability ('bit of a sweeping statement I know) you wouldn't. By Buyng the new Warrington shirt you're supporting your club, Help for Heroes and the Mercian Regiment Benevolent Charity (There's your 'local' charity bit) ... AND you get a great shirt into the bargain!
The cynical marketing comment left a bitter taste. The Club and in particular Dave Hutchinson and Andy Topham have been incredibly supportive to our injured soldiers and bereaved families behind the scenes. They wanted to put this event on to publicly show thair support AND raise some money at the same time.
Watch this space for more details on the Castleford game ... theres much more to come .. and none of it has been done cynicaly.
From a very hot Lashkar Gah ... honestly!
A Mercian