Or thane: I'm over the moon with his signing, not been as excited by a signing in a long time.
We just need a good forward now, it doesn't have to be a pattick mago style forward, Jack Ormonroyd goes under the radar, but is an old school no nonsense aggressive forward who put it in everytime he hits the field I'd happily swap Musgrove for him, that would immediately strengthen our forwards But to be fair so would bringing Max Wood in to the fold, and watching Okoro's debut it's baffling why he's on a season long loan. As he brought to that 1 game exactly what we are missing, really weird decisions.
Leyland although unlucky just needs more time and experience, him and Hayes have more time to learn and picking up skills off Sneyd will be invaluable and help them progress. We need to remember Hayes and Leyland are both very young and at the early stages of their careers, so we don't have to rush them with Sneyd coming in.
I'm pleased too. I think he will make a positive impact fairly quickly.