Good to see you are ok Richie.
I had my jaw broke by an idiot with a baseballbat when I was a really good looking 40 year old

Wired up for 6 weeks. It did not set properly so the Docs had to break it again under anaesthetic and them it was wired up again for another 6 weeks. Had the wires removed by a useless dentist there was blood everywhere I was sent home then my face swelled up like a balloon and another 3 days in hospital.
13 weeks without solid food but fortunately one of my teeth was knocked out too so thats what kept me alive drinking beer with a straw through that gap in my teeth oh and sucking on soft boiled eggs.
Horrible 3 months but fortunately I regained my impressive chisselled features lost 14 pounds in weight and still have that taste for beer.
Best of luck lad.