alegend: PopTart: Trojan
What I don't understand is why you need him to keep proving himself but not Walmesly or anyone else.
He's played well in SL once he settled in. Was great last year and has been one of our best this year.
Agree' would as we have now a pack that play as one and every forward does is bit to take the team forward .So Trojan are you saying we should have the same rule for Jowitt and T J and the other players who had stinkers against Saints . If they do not improve over the season they should be moved on ? Atoni was the forward last year who lifted the fans when he came on to the pitch And I think this season he his looking just as good against much stronger team's than are in the Championship 1. Where did I say we should have a rule that if a player has a stinker and doesn’t improve we should move them on? YOU not me literally just made that up and passed it off as something I said. Why do that???
2. With the context of me saying I would like Atoni to show his good form consistently before I make up my mind fully. How has TJ and Max now been brought into it as they are proven SL players. We know they are capable at SL level already. It’s players who haven’t played SL or limited SL that need to prove in varying degrees their capability at this level.
3. I haven’t passed comment on Atoni last year. We are talking about SL and I’ve already said that Atoni is playing well these first 2 games. I don’t know whether you’re saying that as if I had disagreed at some point when I have already said he’s playing well.